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Mr. Teddy sa formujú v auguste 2015 a sú priamymi nasledovníkmi zoskupení Vaudeville a Teddy Toys nakoľko ide o spojenie členov oboch kapiel. Kapela na jar 2016 začína nahrávať svoj debutový album a ako singel vychádza v máji 2016 videoklip k pilotnej skladbe "Born in wrong time" rovnomenného alnumu, ktorý vychádza na 12" vinyle v marci 2017 v náklade 500ks  (100ltd transparent magenta, 400ks klasický čierny vinyl) v réžii kapely. Po vydaní albumu kapela intenzívne koncertuje na Slovensku, ale aj v zahraničí a stihla odohrať koncerty aj v Poľsku, Českej republike, Maďarsku a Nemecku.


Update: V lete 2018 kapelu po vlastnom rozhodnutí opúšťa jeden so zakladajúcich členov - Weslo (kontrabas) a nástroj preberá Vlado Kubala. Svoj debutný koncert odohrá na domácej pôde 14.7.2018 Ontário- Sučany. 

držte mu palce!

Mr. Teddy is formed in august 2015 and are direct successors of bands Vaudeville and Teddy Toys since it is a fusion of these bands. In the spring of 2016 the band begins recording their debut album and releases their video clip to the debut song called Born in wrong time from an album of the same name. This album was released on 12" vinyl in march 2017 in a cargo of 500 pieces

(100ltd transparent magenta and 400pcs. classical black vinyl) and all in band's own production. After this release the band intensively play concerts not only in Slovakia, but also in Poland, Czech republik, Hungary and Germany.

Update: In the summer of 2018 and after his own decision, the one of the establishing members Weslo (doublebass) is leaving the band. His position will be taken over by Vlado Kubala, who will play his debut gig on a home soil - 14.7.2018 Ontário Sučany 


keep your fingers crossed!

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